1. Which of these passwords does not feature on the 2018 SplashData list of common passwords?
Answer: D. Cheeky!face@card
There are a lot of weak passwords out there and the other answers are examples of some of the worst! Strong passwords are essential to security, but lots of people lack imagination or struggle to remember their passwords and use obvious words, numbers and symbols. The problem with this is that hackers know this and will try all the obvious ones across as many accounts as they can access, until bingo! The NCSC suggests using three completely random words with numbers and symbols – and who doesn’t like a password like 23fox!pinkmarshmallows?
2. In the context of cyber security what is credential stuffing?
Answer: B Where attackers take list of usernames and passwords from one site and try them out on another to see if they work
Credential stuffing is the hacker’s version of recycling! They take usernames and passwords from one site and see if they work elsewhere. And if you are someone who always uses their pets’ names, or the name of your favourite footballer for every login then you might find that you have problems if one account is ever compromised.
3. Which of these is a good way to choose a password?
Answer: D. Combine three unrelated words with numbers and special characters separating them
Good NCSC advice – go and have a look at their tops tips on password security.
4. Updating the software applications you use on your devices is recommended as a safety online tip by the NCSC. Why is this?
Answer: B. Old versions may have had vulnerabilities which have been identified and exploited by hackers – updating the application patches these vulnerabilities
Whilst the other answers are factually true, they are not related to online safety but to the usability of the software. Companies running old proprietary software implemented many years ago have to watch out for this.
5. Which of these will help you stay safe online?
Answer: D. All the answers are correct!
Keep your privacy settings on, practice safe browsing and don’t follow the tantalising clickbait, make sure your internet is secure and consider using a VPN. It’s the internet version of hands, space, face!
6. According to the www.cyberchoices.uk website, what is a potential consequence of engaging in cyber crime?
Answer: C. A Cease and Desist
This is a warning which is registered on the Police National Database (PND) which is not to be confused with a record on the Police National Computer (PNC).
7. According to the www.cyberchoices.uk website, which type of crime is not cyber-dependent?
Answer: B Purchasing of illegal drugs online
Non cyber dependent means that it is not a computer crime in itself – it’s illegal but you don’t have to have a computer to commit this crime. We call it ‘cyber-enabled’ because it’s easier to do.
8. What is the police number on the WPC jacket in the film ‘Don’t Cross the Line to Cyber Crime’ hosted on www.cyberchoices.uk?
Answer: C. 173
If you got this wrong, watch it again!